Assessment of headache symptoms is an important primary step for management of headache disorders. “ VTD HEADACHE ASSESSMENT ” is developed as a tool to help patients and physicians assess headache for the benefit of further diagnosis and treatment.

VTD : Visible and Traceable Diagnostic criteria

Utilities for people with headache

  • Helps provide a comprehensive history
  • Helps understand symptoms and avoid triggers
  • Suggests caution or when to consult a physician
  • Allows the report to be used for consultation

Utilities for physicians (or health personnel)

  • Facilitates assessment, including in telemedicine
  • Lists key diagnostic criteria as a diagnostic guide
  • Lists types of headaches for differential diagnosis
  • Can be applied for use as a headache diary
VTD วิถีดี.com headache assessment headache questionnair วิถีดี ประเมินปวดศีรษะวิถีดี ประเมินวิถีดี ปวดศีรษะวิถีดี ปวดศีรษะ ประเมินปวดศีรษะ แบบสอบถามปวดศีรษะ